52 Leaves and I - In the garden we are  never alone
to Jun 30

52 Leaves and I - In the garden we are never alone

  • campiello lavadori de lana (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

52 leaves and I
In the garden, we are never alone

Since the lockdown, my garden, and my house became my only world, my trees and my plants are my family and my friends. Fifty-two types of leaves comfort my loneliness and donate to my soul energy and grace.

Arrived the winter and most of the leaves left me and they left emptiness and silence deep inside me, but later I started to enjoy another beauty, a delicate yellow beauty, a tiny artwork in ultimate refinement and delicacy, I enjoy contemplate this creation of the god and I don’t resist to collect them from the branches and the barks until the spring came back and the leaves back to grow until I could hardly see the branches and I back to watch the birth of the flowers and gathering of the bees on them during the return of bird’s singing, and I back to enjoy the rain and the majestic thunderstorms and its sound.

This series of artworks are the diaries of my transition from winter to spring during the lockdown that I couldn’t express in words.

I refrained from using colors to maximize the beauty of the divine colors of leaves and branches with mushrooms growing on them in those artworks. I used little touches of pencils, charcoal, gold leaves, woolen threads, and household fabrics.

Some artworks may contain microorganisms but contain endless tales.

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Di Luce  e Di Ombra
to May 15

Di Luce e Di Ombra

  • campiello lavadori de lana (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

La made in.. Art Gallery è lieta di annunciare Di Luci e Di Ombre, mostra personale di Anna Ippolito che torna ad esporre negli spazi della galleria con una serie di lavori inediti. Profonde riflessioni nate dal periodo di isolamento forzato dato dal lockdown scorso e che come lei stessa afferma, l’hanno portata ad intraprendere una nuova fase di studi e di lavori con al centro la tematica della Luce.

>> In ottemperanza al Decreto Legge del 12 marzo volto a contrastare la diffusione del virus Covid-19, l’esposizione si svolgerà online fino a nuove disposizioni ministeriali.

made in .. Art Gallery is pleased to announce Di Luci e Di Ombre (From light and from shadow ), a solo exhibition by Anna Ippolito who returns to exhibit in the gallery spaces with a series of unpublished artworks. Profound reflections born from the period of forced isolation given by the last lockdown and which, as she herself says, led her to embark on a new phase of studies and work with the theme of Light.

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Mushroom Memory
to Sep 10

Mushroom Memory

Mushroom memory ذاكرة الفطر

When I pass my fingertips across the mushroom gills and I feel the fluffy thin papery structure that brings me into the feeling of touching pages of memories.
Mushrooms have always sparked curiosity in me. I wonder if the mushrooms are born to trigger the memories of our human beings mysteriously saved on their gills.

لطالما شعرت بأنني ألامس صفحات غير منتهية من الذكريات كلّما مررت أصابعي على تعرجات حبّات الفطر
الرقيقة برقة الورق والساكنة بخفية تحت سطحه.
يدفعني فضول كلّما رأيته فأتساءل عمّا إذا كان الفطر قد خلق ليحتفظ بين ثناياه الغامضة بذكريات البشر إلى الأبد.

Quando accarezzo con la punta delle dita le lamelle dei funghi e sento la loro sottile e soffice struttura, la mia mente viene subito riportata alla sensazione di toccare pagine di ricordi.
I funghi hanno sempre destato in me molta curiosità. Mi chiedo se nascano proprio per far si che i ricordi di noi esseri umani si manifestino, quasi come se fossero stati misteriosamente salvati tra le loro lamelle.

made in.. Art gallery is pleased to invite you for the inauguration of the solo exhibition of the artist Enas Elkorashy
“Mushroom Memory“
Opening 20 August at 6:30 pm
Venice, Italy

ميد ان ارت جاليري يسر أن يدعوكم إلى افتتاح المعرض الشخصي للتشكلية إيناس القرشي
“ذاكرة الفطر”
الافتتاح الساعة ٦:٣٠ مساءً
٢٠ أغسطس ٢٠٢٠
١ محرم ١٤٤٢
البندقية، إيطاليا

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Elaph La Forcola
to Nov 2

Elaph La Forcola

  • Riyadh, Riyadh Province, 13325 Saudi Arabia (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Presenting the collective Italian Saudi exhibition “ Elaph La Forcola “  Curated by Enas Elkorashy and Chiara Boscolo 
Italian artists: Antonio Signorini, Anna Ippolito, Caterina Margerita, Davide Maset, Piero Dri

Saudi Artists: Fatimah Alnemer, Eiman Elgibreen, Sherouk Bnt Fahad, Tagreed Albegshi, Najla Alsaleem.

Exhibition at Misk Art 2019

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Personal Diares
7:30 AM07:30

Personal Diares

La made in.. Art Gallery è lieta d’annunciare la mostra dal titolo “Personal Diaries” a cura di Chiara Boscolo che perseguendo gli obiettivi che da sempre contraddistinguono lo spazio espositivo mette a confronto artisti mediorientali e occidentali, presentando le opere di: Aya Elfallah (EG, 1986), Ahmed Kassim (EG, 1984) e Davide Maset, in arte Masa (IT, 1990). Personal Diaries vuole indagare lo stile grafico pittorico di tre nomi noti alla galleria e accomunati dalla medesima necessità interiore e profonda che li spinge a trasformare le tele in una sorta di gigantesco diario personale sul quale intervenire, senza esitazione, riportando disegni, schizzi e pensieri.
Made in.. Art Gallery is pleased to announce “Personal Diaries” exhibition curated by Chiara Boscolo which following the goals that have always personalized the gallery’s exhibitions, presenting Middle Eastern and Western artists together, exhibiting the artworks by Aya Elfallah (EG, 1986), Ahmed Kassim (EG, 1984) and Davide Maset, aka Masa (IT, 1990).
“Personal Diaries” aims to cruise you to go deeper into the artworks and discover what leads the artists to transform the canvases into a sort of gigantic personal diary full of mysteries.

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to Sep 15


Nel contesto della settimana annuale dedicata al vetro in Laguna, s’inaugura martedì 10 settembre 2019 alle 19:00 presso la galleria Made In Art Gallery la mostra SODA a cura di Alice Bortolazzo , nata da un progetto di Cantiere Corpo Luogo e ospitata nel contesto della terza edizione di The Venice Glass Week.
Artisti – Alvise Bittente, Barbara Fragogna, Stefania Mazzola, Chiara Picardi, Eva Z. Schmitt, Eva Chiara Trevisan e Matteo Vettorello

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